Posted in ECI 834

3 Myths About BYOD

When I consider how my classroom is set up, I am pleased with the inclusion of blended learning for my students. I observe quite a difference in the amount of engagement I see. Students working on a Google Classroom project or writing in their blog looks quite different than whole class assignments or lectures where students sit in their desks and take in information. The students are engaged, interested and eager to learn when that iPad or Chrome book is in their hands. But, as Natalie shared in her post, there are So Many Questions to consider!


 In Kyle’s blog, he took a look at the CONS of blended learning, as well as possible solutions. There are many questions to think about with varying degrees of pros and cons to consider. One problem is access to computers due to their high cost and a possible solutions is BYOD. If students bring their own device, there are more teaching/learning opportunities now available.

I love the idea of having more options for implementing technology tools for student learning. I often hesitate because BYOD is is a new teaching approach for myself. I wonder how my students can handle even the idea of being allowed to bring their device, how do I introduce the idea to my class, how will they adjust to the rules and expectations of bringing their own device, who won’t have a device to bring, will I have devices available for these students, etc.

To start, watching this video was very helpful and encouraging for me!


Since I am interested in having my students bring their own device (BYOD) to school, I want to share an article; Using BYOD In Schools: Advantages And Disadvantages that I thought answered a lot of the questions often asked. The beginning quote really resonated with me!

Do you remember how classrooms used to be during your school days? The blackboard, the whiteboard, chalks being used by teachers to impart the lesson; you being given paper copies or writing down notes with your pen. However, copies, chalks, and blackboards are fast becoming more and more irrelevant every day that passes by, thanks to the advance in technology. More and more schools and other educational institutions are using technology at a brisk pace; and to make technology an integral part of the classroom, they are implementing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy.

Photo Credit: anitakhart Flickr via Compfight cc

The first question that educators often have; Is BYOD Really Helpful?                                                                      

1. Offers Comfort Of Using A Known Device.

-when students bring their own device, they bring something familiar with them.

2. Leverages Students’ Love For Their Devices.

-students are learning through a device they ‘love!’

3. Advanced Technology Makes Learning Easier.

-new technology programs are best utilized when a student is comfortable using their own device.

Common Problems With BYOD; Distractions and Security

The 2 most common problems to think about are;

How do I reduce the distraction levels and Are the networks of the institutions properly secured?

A school in Georgia;

serving about 39,000 students in grades Pre-K through 12, gave BYOD a chance. They found that the use of personal devices in the classroom wasn’t a distraction for their students. On the contrary, they often became more engaged, motivated, and self-directed learners.

Despite the few disadvantages, the benefits that BYOD offers are driving its increasing popularity across the globe and it is expected to be a regular integration soon in many more educational institutions around the world. In fact, BYOD is being dubbed as the upcoming revolution that the world of education is expected to experience quite soon.

Finally, I wanted to share what the 3 Myths about BYOD are; 1. BYOD: Bring Your Own Distraction  2. BYOD is not safe 3. BYOD will deepen the digital divide.

To uncover the truth behind these 3 myths, follow this important link!

For myself, the article answered many of the questions I have and I feel more confident about implementing BYOD in my classroom. I hope it answered some of your questions too!

Have you had questions and concerns when considering BYOD in your classroom? What worked well/did not work well? What suggestions would you have for a grade 4/5 classroom?

Thank you for reading! If you would like to leave a comment or suggestion please click on the title of my blog.











My name is Jennifer and I am a Grade 4/5 teacher with the Regina Public School Board. I am taking my 8th class towards my Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. EC&I 833 Foundations of Educational Technology: History, Theory, and Practice.

7 thoughts on “3 Myths About BYOD

  1. Thanks for sharing Jennifer! I COMPLETELY believed some of those myths before reading your blog post – especially the one about the digital divide (I always fear when I use Kahoot in the classroom for a quick hook or summary, that the students without phones feel targeted because they don’t have technology). That being said, I do have some students who have said they would rather not use their phones because they don’t want to use their data. Because our internet can be very, very slow, BYOD can at times not work. Thanks again for sharing!


  2. Thanks for sharing, Jennifer. This is a great post. My favourite part are the links you give to check out further reading and evidence. These sites helped me work through some of the issues I had concerning blended learning. Thanks again!


  3. Hi Jennifer! What a great post! I’ll be using Canvas for my final project, so I really appreciate the video you included. I’ll be using it with high school students, but it’s very reassuring to see that it’s a good LMS for grade 3s! The article you included brought up so many of the questions I’ve had about BYOD… It was a very helpful read. Thank you!


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