Posted in Final Project

Progress, Progress, is Being Made!


My classroom website is coming together and taking shape. I had planned to add a page for favourite websites, a page to link our kid-blog website, and an about me page. I also wanted to learn how to create a screen-cast. Fortunately, all of my plans for the website went well. Janine Taylor  came to Dr. Hanna and we created a screen-cast together.

I started with adding to my about me page. Since, I am in a team teaching classroom and I have an intern, I wanted to include them. Here is a look at the page.





Next, I added the websites we use regularly. Initially, these websites were on our weebly webpage but they needed to be put on our new site. At this point, adding pages and links is becoming second nature and I can tackle these tasks with ease. Progress continues to be made!!!!

math website

Reading websites

Finally, I added a page for our class Kidblog. I wanted to have the link to the kid blog to make it user friendly for my students. So far, this seems to be working well. Most of the students have posted their blog and are commenting on their peers work. I included detailed instructions on how to add a blog post and created a screen-cast so I will never have to hear the excuse, “I didn’t know what to do.” I’m hopeful but not certain that the screen-cast will help!


Finally, I created 2 screen-casts. One is a quick look at the website and the other is a How To blog using Kidblog. These were easy to record but my work computer doesn’t like the screenr so it was giving me a hard time saying java was not available. Janine helped me change the settings so java will now allow the screenr website. Otherwise the recording of the screen-cast went smoothly (aside from the intercom and bell ringing at the very end)Lol!

I created this screen-cast to show my students how to post a blog. It went quite well and the students were excited to check it out!

Thank you for reading! I look forward to posting my next update on my website/digital project! Stay tuned…..


My name is Jennifer and I am a Grade 4/5 teacher with the Regina Public School Board. I am taking my 8th class towards my Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. EC&I 833 Foundations of Educational Technology: History, Theory, and Practice.

5 thoughts on “Progress, Progress, is Being Made!

  1. Hey Jen, it looks awesome. Quick question…what age do you feel is good for kidblogs. My 8’s are using Edublogs and loving them, but I was thinking that a simpler process for blogging might be handy every once and a while.


    1. Good question!I have Grade 4& 5 students. A couple of teachers suggested kidblog because it is user-friendly. Also, I was a bit leery to try wordpress or Edublog because I still didn’t understand how to use it myself. So I thought I would choose kid blog and link it to my website that I started on WordPress. Now everything is kind of all-in-one linked to the wordpress site where I can also blog about a lesson or an exciting activity we are doing. So, using Edublog is probably more suitable for grade 8 students since kidblog is limited to the different things you can do on the site. I hope that helps!


    1. That is a good question!I knew I wanted to start a blog but I wasn’t really sure my students would be able to figure it out because I was still learning about it! I also wanted a website that could link my blog right to the site, add other websites and post blogs all in one. A few teachers at my school used kidblog and they said it was a user-friendly.The Weebly website was just what we used at the beginning of the year so that the websites were accessible to the students. Basically I put it all together into one website using WordPress. Now we can access the kidblog, I can blog about lessons I think other teachers might want to try, and it’s a place where we can post art, student work, the kids can still access the websites, we can add websites, and blog. The list goes on!


  2. Thank you for your beautiful website. I am still working on mine. I discovered Ayurveda some 5 years ago and studied here in Australia at a Ceartficite IV level. I love everything I have learnt and keep on reading and learning. I feel confident with the Abhyanga massage. Maybe I’ll visit in the future. Kind regards.


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